Looking Back, Moving Forward: Wealth Succession’s 2024 Reflections
Dear Clients,
As we approach the end of 2024, it is with a great sense of gratitude that I get to close off the year with a letter of thanks to you.
Wealth Succession started as a dream to build a business around the hassle map that you as a family face in successfully transitioning your wealth from one generation to the next. Achieving this vision required clients to believe in us and to trust us to take hands and journey into the future together – to face and embrace complexity as we search for the simple succession strategies that lie on the other side of a complex world of changing laws and family dynamics.
What made your trust in us so endearing to me is that we all knew that none of us could predict the future and none of us had all the answers. You trusted us to be honest in our conversations with you and diligent in our pursuit of improving our understanding of inter-generational succession. You gave us the opportunity to gain experience through our conversations with you, as a collective, and then accepted the application of our learning back to you, as an individual family. You trusted us to be the vessel through which you assisted each other through your experiences, without the one knowing the other.
There is magic in this ecosystem.
Janus is the Roman god of all beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. For Wealth Succession, January – the month named after the god Janus – will also have one face looking back at the magic we built together over the past seven years, and the other looking forward to some very exciting developments in 2025, as we continue our journey to find simplicity at the other end of complexity.
In 2025 we will continue to embrace the changing technological environment and bend it to your benefit. We will also expand our relationship with you and your family as we take the final steps in becoming a fully-fledged multi-generational family office – the most loved family office in Africa.
For now, allow me to wish all of you a peaceful and restful closure to 2024. Please keep safe, spend time with the people who truly matter, and use the only thing that is truly scarce well – time.
With all our love and gratitude.
Louis Venter